Friday, January 30, 2009

Is Robinson happier in England?

Robinson had dreamt many times of coming back to England, especially at the end, when he saw an opportunity during a discussion with Friday's father (some spaniard would be willing to help Crusoe). He finally managed to go back to England thanks to his stratagems against the mutineers, having helped the captain of the ship.
We would think that Robinson would have begun a social contact with many persons there (he was missing it a lot several years before) but unfortunately, he almost doesn't have any family anymore, and particularly stays with Friday. In spite of Robinson is really wealthy, he doesn't feel so good yet. He thought of traveling a few times but doesn't do it because of religious purposes. We may also think Robinson is regretting his island. Europe should have been safer than his island for him, but in fact, he was attacked by 300 wolves, a bear and couldn't stand the cold in Spain. On his island at least, it was a continuous adventure, but daily, it didn't seem so hard for him. Besides, last chapter of the book reinforces this feeling and shows that Robinson is still interested in his island, he couldn't resist to come back there. He visited the prisoners he had left and gave them women and supplies. We can just imagine what he is going to do after. Becoming the governor of this island like he had imagined?

1 comment:

  1. I thought that the final decision that he makes is particularly ironic too. This clearly shows how much living on the island and relying on himself for so many years really changed him. Did you find this part believable? Do you think that someone could become so used to solitude so much that he would want to return to it? But, he also knows that he is not completely alone if he returns to the island, so maybe there is something else that he wants to get back to.
